Thursday, September 29, 2005


Nearly Serene

Well it's almost time. The nutcases (and those with no work or school on Friday) will be at midnight shows. And if you don't already have plans for the weekend, you too should go see Serenity seven or eight times to drive up the initial box-office receipts and make sure Whedon has the cash and popularity to get Firefly back on TV.

All of that said, I'm not going until next weekend, so I don't want to hear anything about it. So if you bump into me and start to say anything that I think might be related to the movie, I'm going to cover my ears and run away singing, "I can't hear you!" Possible triggers for making me run away would be these:

So thanks for supporting the movie, but stay far, far away from me until I can support it too.


And I said so on my blog as well. I know all I want to know. I'm even to the point where I'm getting pissed off at the commercials for giving away more of the dialoge.

I've tried many times to avoid spoilers before a big release--but have yet to be successful.

Not only did the Sci-Fi channel do a good job runing Serenity by showing "sneak peeks" during Friday night Firefly's, but they send me emails constantly giving "insider info" about the cast and crew.

Now Saw II, the next big film I'm looking forward to, has been spoiled via the Saw Unrated Director's Cut and Spike TV. This time it really was my fault (as I chose to watch these spoilers), but it was just so tempting!

Oh well, there's always King Kong, Sin City 2, Spawn 2, Day of the Dead...wait...these are all remakes, sequels, or adaptations. Damn Hollywood.
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