Monday, December 19, 2005


Imperial Thoughts

When I am, finally and inevitably, swept into power as emperor of this dreary world, among my mandates shall be these:

Now it may seem at first glance like I would not make a very good dictator. In fact, some might argue that I would obviously be just another power-mad tyrant driven by my whims. And that is probably true. But for the record, if I decided to spy on the people I ruled, I would just declare that spying would henceforth be happening. I would not attempt to justify it based on some kind of self-contradictory claim of "defending" the people I was spying on from "enemies of liberty."

And I would never make any claim that I was always right and my detractors were always wrong, or were disloyal or unpatriotic. My position would be, "Of course I am wrong, but you cannot stop me." That is the only reasonable and honest position the emperor of the world can take.

I am counting on that refreshing honesty to keep the public off-balance for at least a year or two, giving me plenty of time to prepare to put down the inevitable uprisings.

I got your reference at the end, and I would like to point out (and announce to all those who said I was paranoid)(hmmmm, who could that be?) that I was right. The government is spying on us. Because they can. And I've been used to the idea for a whole three years, so I am not nearly as surprised or disturbed as the newscasters clearly were Saturday night when they aired the story. I definitely gloated to my sister for awhile. No lie. This is purely because anytime I mention terrorism on the phone or in public or on the internet, I say hello to the government's goons (Hi, governmental goons).

Additionally, I think you would make an excellent dictator. ;) I concur with all your rulings, except possibly the Marvel movies one, mostly because I'm not sure whether or not Batman is Marvel or not, but the new Batman was good, and the new Superman is supposedly going to be done by the same director.
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