Monday, April 16, 2007


There's more to it than that

Sunday's Doonesbury strip (go ahead and read it; I can wait) reminds me that whenever Christians let themselves get told that they have to support a certain candidate or a certain party because of one or two issues, what they're really doing is letting themselves be forced into supporting people and positions that they otherwise never would have. A book I used to teach from said something like, "Single-issue voting is just ignoring all the other consequences of your decision."

We need to be smarter than that. We need to remember that legislation is not the solution to every problem, and that the problems that trigger the strongest emotional response from us are not necessarily the problems that God considers the most urgent. If we forget, the people who run the political parties will remember, and they will gladly manipulate us to serve their own ends.

Time to be "shrewd as serpents."

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