Saturday, August 02, 2008


Dark, perhaps. Knight? Not so much.

Some spoilers may occur in this blog entry. Plus, if you're like 99.993% of the general populace, you're going to disagree with me. This entry is not intended to cure or treat any condition.

I didn't like the new Batman movie.

Yes, Heath Ledger gave a good performance. Yes, there's some other good stuff to say about it. But on the whole, it didn't make much sense. And most of all, it's not a very good superhero story.

I'm kind of old-fashioned on this, because I think that superheroes should be (1) super and (2) heroes. Batman isn't much of either. He's pretty good at beating up thugs, and he's got some (disturbing) high-tech toys. But he doesn't do much that's impressive in the movie. He never does anything very clever, although he is somehow capable of getting a fingerprint off of a bullet that's been smashed.

He certainly isn't very heroic. I realize that the film wants to explore territory beyond the hero of flawless virtue, and that's fine. I like superhero stories with that kind of complexity. But it doesn't really do that. It gives the Joker the whole movie. There's really no realistic attempt to offer any kind of counter view to the Joker's twisted philosophy. And in the end, Batman decides that deceiving the public is the only way to give them hope. Ugh. And Batman acts like a big martyr to be treated as an outlaw, when in fact he absolutely IS an outlaw. "Reckless endangerment" is his M.O. through the whole thing. I just didn't like him, and I didn't care to root for him.

Also, the seven consecutive endings annoyed me. I thought they wasted Two-Face after setting him up well.

I could go on, but instead here's someone who said it better: Dark Knight review

While this entry may not have intended to treat or cure any condition, it does a pretty decent job of treating, if not curing, the media hype surrounding this movie.
I didn't like Batman in this movie. He scared me. His voice and his loss of control made it hard to tell him from the bad guys at times. He may need an anger management class to get his hero status back.
Wow! Thank you...
I did not care for the Dark Knight. And I knew I wouldn't. I knew everyone just talked so big about it. (Mostly because of Heath. "OMG!!!!! HE WAS SOOO AWESOME!!!" ....okay so? good performance? content? meh....)

Anyways, I just ran into your blog actually because I was kind of bored and trying to avoid doing reading for Ethics (I seem to be doing a lot of things for Ethics whenever I post online... I'm not very thrill about the class...).
I happen to find little website icons when I was trying to find a way to e-mail someone from the class list and here I am!

Sorry..I got off topic. Anyways, I almost refuse to watch any movies made from comics. (Including Japanese-manga or Korean-manhwa being made into "live action" movies)
But my boyfriend was "obsessed" with DK and so I decide fine fine, I'll see it. Plus I got to see it for free. And I've never been much of a Batman fan. I did watch the old Batman cartoons in the 90's which I actually happen to enjoy enough to watch (and haven't seen or read anything since then on him- AND I have bad memory so I forget a lot and very easy). So, with not much Batman background, when I first saw Harvey's blown up face, I turned to my bf and said, "hehe Look it's two-face!!" and 5 mins later or whatever, sure enough he's two-face. I thought it was funny because I was just kidding..

But after the movie ended..I thoughts or feelings about it. Not even "that was bad.."

Now that I think... Batman movies is the only superhero movies I've ever watch..
Well..and some random ones.. like V for Vendetta...etc..

Well, nice to see that someone isn't "afraid" to no follow the masses and love the movie to death!
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