Friday, August 14, 2009


Restorative Justice

Realizing that upwards of three people read this blog each year, it's time to use my celebrity to push an important cause: Restorative Justice. Restorative Justice is an approach to wrongdoing that focuses on repairing the harm done and rebuilding broken relationships. I think if we were wise, we'd move away from our "lock 'em up" model of criminal justice and put restorative justice approaches in its place. (Granted, a few extreme cases might need to be removed completely from others. But the vast majority or our ridiculously enormous prison population don't require that. And no one is really benefitting from the current system.)

I'm still in the process of learning about this, but sports fans should check out this proposal for restorative approaches to the steroids issue, and everybody can learn more at .

Since I'm one of the three, I'll leave a comment:

Josh has been active with Restorative Justice for about five years. He works mainly with young male University students who've made some bone-headed moves leading to criminal acts . . . usually involving the neighbors around the University.

It's work he's committed to, enjoys (yes, despite the lunkheads), and will continue to do for as long as he's at the U.
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